vscode html代码提示

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) provides excellent support for HTML code completion and suggestions to help you write HTML code more efficiently. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most of HTML code suggestions in VS Code:

Auto-Completion: VS Code will automatically suggest HTML tags and attributes as you type. Press Tab or Enter to accept the suggestion.

Emmet Abbreviations: VS Code has built-in support for Emmet, which is a shorthand syntax for writing HTML and CSS. For example, typing html:5 and then pressing Tab will generate an HTML5 boilerplate.

Intellisense for HTML: Pressing Ctrl + Space (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Space (Mac) will trigger IntelliSense, which provides suggestions for tags, attributes, and values.

Tag Closing: After you open a tag, VS Code will automatically suggest the closing tag, making it easy to create well-formed HTML.

Attribute Values: When you start typing an attribute value (e.g., href or src), VS Code will suggest file paths or valid URLs.

Class and ID Autocompletion: VS Code will suggest existing CSS classes and IDs when you start typing class or id attributes.

Code Snippets: You can use code snippets to quickly generate common HTML structures. For example, typing div and then Tab will create a <div></div> element.

Custom Snippets: You can create your own custom HTML snippets by using the snippets.json file. This allows you to define shortcuts for frequently used code patterns.

Extensions: VS Code has many extensions available that can enhance HTML development further. Some popular ones include "HTML CSS Support," "HTMLHint," and "Prettier - Code Formatter."

HTML Linting: VS Code can also perform linting of your HTML code using extensions like "HTMLHint." It will highlight errors and offer suggestions for improving your code.

Integrated Terminal: You can open an integrated terminal in VS Code by pressing Ctrl + or Cmd + ``. This can be useful for running HTML files and testing them in your browser.

HTML Preview: There are extensions available that provide real-time HTML previews directly in VS Code, allowing you to see how your code renders without switching to a browser.

Certainly, here are a few more tips to enhance your HTML coding experience in Visual Studio Code:

Multiple Cursors and Selections: You can use multiple cursors to edit or insert code simultaneously in multiple places. Press Alt and click where you want to add a cursor, or use Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Option + Down Arrow (Mac) to add cursors below the current line.

Emmet Abbreviations for Faster Coding: Learn and use Emmet abbreviations extensively to speed up your HTML coding. For example, typing ul>li*3 and pressing Tab will generate an unordered list with three list items.

Format Document: You can format your HTML document to ensure proper indentation and alignment. Use the Shift + Alt + F (Windows/Linux) or Shift + Option + F (Mac) keyboard shortcut with your document open.

HTML and CSS Integration: VS Code provides integrated support for both HTML and CSS. When working on an HTML file, you can use CSS classes and IDs from linked CSS files, and VS Code will offer suggestions and auto-completions.

HTML Commenting: Quickly comment or uncomment selected lines of code by pressing Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (Mac). This works for HTML and other code types.

Extensions for Live Preview: If you want a more comprehensive live preview of your HTML, consider using extensions like "Live Server" or "Browser Preview." These extensions enable real-time previews of your HTML in your default web browser.

Zen Mode: For distraction-free coding, enter Zen Mode by clicking the Zen Mode button in the status bar or using the Ctrl + K Z (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + K Z (Mac) shortcut. This removes distractions and provides a clean coding environment.

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts: You can customize VS Code's keyboard shortcuts to match your preferences. Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts or use Ctrl + K Ctrl + S (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + K Cmd + S (Mac) to access the keybindings settings.

Search and Replace: Use the Ctrl + F (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + F (Mac) shortcut to open the find feature, and Ctrl + H (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Option + F (Mac) for find and replace. You can perform global searches and replacements within your HTML document.

HTML Snippet Expansion: VS Code can expand common HTML snippets as you type. For example, typing html and pressing Tab will create a basic HTML template for you to start with.

Git Integration: If you use Git for version control, VS Code has excellent Git integration. You can commit, push, and pull changes directly from the editor.
